Friday, 30 October 2015


I went to meet with the Oncologist this morning Monday 26th October 2015, and she was absolutely wreathed in smiles after examining me. She palpated the area that had been given radio therapy and saw that there was some scar tissue that made it feel a little hard around the site of the lumpectomy, but she said it was obviously wonderful to be able to say that I am now all clear, and that I don't have to be seen again until next year, when I will be called in for another Mammogram just to keep an eye on things.. Phew, what a relief... I hadn't really realised just how anxious I had been before the meeting... now I can relax and do whatever presents itself to do.. wonderful news, and so thankful for attending that mammogram in May...

tomorrow I get to go on a very long drive.. about almost 4 hours away.. to visit an old school friend. the last time we met was several years ago and it will be good to catch up with her, and another friend who will be meeting me there. I hope that the weather is as clement as today has been. Today was just the most wonderful autumn day, very mild and with all the wonderful colours of the trees and their leaves. Darkness catches up with us quickly now, but its to be expected... just that its so nice when the evenings are long, but now around five thirty the darkness imposes its will on the living.  Each afternoon John takes Millie out for her walk.. Its about an hour and she gets to run free for a while, but now, they are returning in the darkness even though when they left it was bright sunshine.

I am still feeling the affect of this radio therapy I think, because around 7 30 in the evening I start to flag, and if it was not so early, I would happily climb into my bed and go to sleep. I just hope that the long journey tomorrow will be ok, and that I will be back earlier than that so I wont fall asleep on the motorway*
 Although England is a very small place, travelling to see friends in other parts of the world can take some  hours, and this time, my friend lives near Southampton, so its a reasonably straight line there, just a long time getting to her house!!

this is a bit out of sync as it happened at the start of this week, but I shall put it here anyway, another set of random thoughts ,,


  1. I am so glad that you have such great news! I go for another mammogram in December. I am trying not to think about it.

  2. good luck with that, hopefully you will have the same luck as me and all will be well..thinking of you and keeping you in the prayers for your safety. hugs from over the pond***
